The Cracktown Tour Diaries; Week 1 – Part 1 “Disgust”
24th January 2009
Picked up the remaining 21 pieces of framed work from the framing studio today (24th January), way ahead of schedule – which is nice. Was informed by the staff there that a member of the public wandered into the studio a few days ago, saw one of my works in the process of being framed, and promptly “ran out in disgust”. It never fails to baffle me that, in the 21st Century, people can still be shocked by images of ‘make-believe’, or photographs of staged events, whatever the original intent.
I wonder what kind of hostile reception I’ll get from upstanding members of the public when my show actually opens. There’s just going to be me, myself, and I invigilating at the Greyfriars Art Space gallery every day, from 9.30am-5.30pm, so snipers, stalkers, religious zealots, and angry loners could have a soft target on their hands.
I guess we’ll soon find out.
Check the obituaries in two weeks time…