Px3 Prix de la Photographie Paris

I’m very pleased to announce that my work “My Life Amongst The Metal Trees” has been chosen as part of the judges’ official selection for the upcoming ‘Px3 Prix de la Photographie Paris‘ competition, “Europe’s biggest and most prestigious photography competition”. I couldn’t have done it without all your support here on this blog, my facebook page and my great email contacts, so thank you kindly (the absinthe is on me when I see you next).

The voting process seems a bit of a faff to me, but if anyone has spare time and would REALLY like to vote for me,… It’d bring a smile to my chops;

1. Register a name/email/password at; http://www.px3.fr/submit/vote/voter.php

2. Once logged in, copy/paste the following link into your browser address bar (my work is at the top of the link’s page) and simply click vote!;


Many thanks again!!