Cracktown v1.0 Tour; Norwich Exhibition (September 2009)
Ah, the Norwich Exhibition.
Running for the whole of September 2009, with a last-minute extension of the Norwich Playhouse show going into October, in hindsight this was the most colourful of all the 2009 Cracktown exhibitions; coked-up, drunken, dirtily eccentric and downright flirtatious clientele. And that was just on the opening night. The perma-gasmasked Florian was there causing very public eyebrow-raising again, whilst dishing out freshly prepared food on his rusted silver platter. A great atmosphere, and all great fun all-round.
Florian and I finished up at the good old Library Restaurant for top-notch bangers and mash afterwards, with a late evening sojourn into the Murderers pub for a lengthy nightcap of ales.
See elsewhere for the ‘Making Cracks’ Tour Film which shows some footage from the event, but here’s a few shots taken from the Opening Night for your delectation;
With a fidgety Florian, and gallery visitor. Sept 09.
Cracktown promo items; ‘Blue Sky’ Cracktown USB sticks, Artist Statements, Spring 2009 Brochure, some original first-show invites, and price lists. Sept 09.
Very busy at the Playhouse. Sept 09.
Florian helping out with the platter at the Private View. Sept 2009 (getting busier).
Sporting a one-off Germanic side-parting, Phil Barrington poses with Cracktown’s
own conceptual artist Florian. Sept 09.
Food and promotion. Sept 09.
After a fair few drinks, slumping back at the hotel, looking more than slightly aged.
Oh well. Sept 09.
Phil Barrington
February 2011
[this blog post was uploaded in February 2011 but backdated to November 2009 for continuity purposes]