Territorial Markings [part 3]
The final part of this node, taken from my clippings folder of local artwork found on my travels (mostly when scouting for locations for Cracktown).
Daffy snapped at Tuesday Market Place, KL. Sept. 07.
\\\\\\\Transmission .VII
Here’s an interesting usecase I picked up from another blog recently (Lost the original link at the mo. Sorry);
1. Artist has a desire to become successful
2. Artist has a definition for their idea of success
3. Artist has motivation to become successful artist
4. Artist has time to do the work to become successful artist
Main Flow (Artist definition of success is obtaining quality gallery representation):
1. Artist creates a strong body of quality art (and continues to create throughout the entire duration)
2. Artist creates quality materials to promote the art (and continues to throughout the duration)
3. Artist enters work into juried shows to build resume
4. Artist researches galleries and selects appropriate galleries
5. Artist approaches galleries
6. Artist has work accepted by gallery
7. Artist sells work with gallery
8. Artist repeats steps 4-7 until satisfied
9. Artist is successful
Alternative Flows:
I. Artist definition of success is selling enough work over the internet to live comfortable
1. Artist creates a strong body of quality art (and continues to create throughout the entire duration)
2. Artist creates quality materials to promote the art (and continues to throughout the duration)
3. Artist researches online sales opportunities and selects appropriate venues (including ones own website)
4. Artist approaches online venues
5. Artist has work accepted by online venue
6. Artist sells work online
7. Artist repeats steps 4-7 until satisfied.
8. Artist is successful
II. Artist definition of success is making quality art
1. Artist creates a strong body of quality art
2. Artist is successful
Post Condition: Artist is successful